
Jan-Feb 2025: RV Tangaroa (TAN2502, 6 weeks): western Ross Sea between Northern Victoria Land and Ross Island.


Oct-Nov 2024: Sea ice camp K892 (39 days), McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Tasks: Sampling the platelet and sea ice with SIPL and SIPRE corer, respectively, CTD and water sampling, biological sample processing, assistance with physical measurements.

Jan-Mar 2024: RV Laura Bassi (36 days), Ross Ice Shelf, eastern and northwestern Ross Sea, Tasks: Zooplankton collection with nets and the Continuous Plankton Recorder. Assisting with drone flights, water sampling, and acoustic calibrations. More information here.

Jan-Feb 2023: RV Tangaroa (TAN2302, 45 days), northwestern coast and continental shelf in the Ross Sea, Tasks: Sample collection with nets, the ship’s underway system, and the Continuous Plankton Recorder. More information here.

Oct-Nov 2022: Sea ice camp K892 (36 days), McMurdo Sound, Tasks: Sampling of the platelet and sea ice, as well as the water column at two different process sites, biological sample processing, assistance with physical and oceanographic measurements.

May 2022: RV Investigator (IN2023_V03, 12 days), Subantarctic Southern Ocean, Tasks: CTD deployments and water filtration for POC/PON and pigments, eDNA sampling, Argo float deployment. More information here.

Dec 2020 - Jan 2021: RV Investigator (IN2020_V08, 42 days), Subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zone south of Australia, SOLACE (Southern Ocean Large Area Carbon Export) voyage, Tasks: Processing micronekton from the RMT, collection of zooplankton with nets, respiration, decomposition and faecal pellet incubations with copepods, salps, and amphipods. More information here.

Mar 2020: RV Investigator (IN2020_T01), CAPSTAN voyage to train students in various oceanographic and biological sampling methods, joining the ship as teacher for plankton sampling, but the voyage was cancelled while we were still in port, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and following lockdown in Australia.

Jan 2020 - Feb 2020: RV Umitaka-maru (UM-19-08, 28 days), Southern Ocean on a transect from Fremantle, Australia, south to the ice edge and returning to Hobart, Australia. Tasks: Processing micronekton and zooplankton from the ORI, VMPS, and MOHT net, respiration and decomposition incubation trials with Antarctic copepods, and ice sampling. More information here.

Aug 2019: RV Umitaka-maru (UM-19-06, 7 days), Hakodate to Tokyo, Tasks: training in using various nets and other gear to be used on the Antarctic voyage.

Mar 2019: RV Investigator (IN2019_V02, 22 days), Subantarctic Southern Ocean, Tasks: Sampling of zooplankton, in particular pyrosomes, and performing decomposition and sinking experiments, as well as water sampling for POC/PN. More information here.

Sep - Oct 2018: RV Investigator (IN2018_V04, 27 days), East Australian Current and subantarctic Southern Ocean, Tasks: Zooplankton sampling with nets, sinking and decomposition experiments with copepod carcasses, supervision of Master’s student. Read the publication here.

Mar 2018: RV Investigator (IN2018_V02, 18 days), Subantarctic Southern Ocean, Tasks: Zooplankton sampling with nets, CTD sampling for gases and nutrients, testing of zooplankton incubations and carbon flux measurements (faecal pellet production, respiration, decomposition).

Aug-Oct 2017: MS Lagoa & MS Insular, central Atlantic Ocean, several trips between Portugal, the Azores, the Canaries, Madeira, and Cape Verde, Tasks: Marine mammal observations with a focus on whales and dolphins for the CETUS project (coordinated by CIIMAR, Porto).

Jul-Aug 2017: RV Solea (28 days), North Sea - mainly German EEZ, Tasks: Sorting, measuring & weighing fish for the annual demersal fishery survey.

Oct 2016: MS Polarsyssel (6 days), Svalbard fjords (Isfjorden, Billefjorden), Tasks: Water and plankton sampling as part of the UNIS course AB-332 Arctic Marine Molecular Ecology.

Jun 2016: RV Sanna (14 days), Greenland fjords (Nuup Kangerlua, Ameralik), Tasks: Water and plankton sampling as part of the Arctic Marine Ecosystems Course (Aarhus University, Denmark, & GINR, Greenland).

Mar-Apr 2016: Arctic land- and ice-based fieldwork as part of the UNIS courses AB-333 Arctic Winter Ecology and AB-330 Ecosystems in ice-covered waters, Tasks: Physical measurements and biological sampling of frozen freshwater lakes and streams and the ice-covered Van Mijen fjord, respectively.

Jan 2014: RV Alkor, Baltic Sea, day trip as part of the course Status assessment of marine waters (undergraduate unit in the BSc Biological Sciences, University of Rostock, Germany), Tasks: Physical, chemical, and biological sampling of the water column.

Aug 2013: RV Mya II, North Sea, day trip as part of the elective 2-week excursion to the island Helgoland, Tasks: Contributing to the Helgoland Roads time-series (plankton nets, CTD, secchi disk) and sampling of benthic macrozoobenthos.