
Read all about my current research projects, recent publications, and upcoming fieldwork campaigns.

About me

I’m a zooplankton ecologist and biogeochemist with a PhD from the University of Tasmania in Australia and currently work for NIWA Wellington in New Zealand as a postdoctoral fellow. I have extensive experience in ship- and ice-based fieldwork and am passionate about communicating my research to a broad audience.

My main research interests are: • Zooplankton physiology and ecology • Ecosystem responses to climate change, both pelagic and sympagic • Marine carbon cycling and sequestration, and upcoming mCDR methods • Long-term time series, in particular of biological data • Science needs of Marine Protected Areas • Essential Variable development, e.g., EOVs and EBVs


Send me an email: Svenja.Halfter@niwa.co.nz.

Recent Posts

Invasive species in the Southern Ocean

Ever wondered on if there are any invasive species in the Southern Ocean? Me and my amazing co-author team wrote a short summary upon request of the editor o...

Back from the field

I just returned from an interesting field season. I was lucky enough to go twice down south to the Ross Sea!

New job with NIWA in New Zealand

After finishing my PhD at IMAS (without corrections!!!) early this year, I found a job faster than expected! In July, I’ll move to Wellington in New Zealand ...

New publication alert!

My new publication on how zooplankton help establishing carbon export regimes in the Southern Ocean is finally out! Together with my amazing co-authors and m...